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This is a common qusiteon for anyone interested in becoming a nurses aide. I have had to do post mortem care many many times, of course I have been in this profession for about 15 years now. I have seen some girls who are very nervous about doing this type of care. I assure you it isn't as bad as it may seem. If you work in a nursing home this task may come up more than it would in a hospital or group home. If you look at it as your way of saying goodbye, and making sure they leave the world with dignity, and treating the as a PERSON not a BODY it makes post mortem care a little easier. Post mortem care means making sure that the person is washed, lotioned, shaved, dentures in (if they have them), nails done, hair brushed neatly and dressed appropriately. Depending on who you work with they may be understanding if you are a little squeemish about the care. Don't be afraid to ask for help, or let them know you aren't comfortable with the idea of doing post mortem care.